The long awaited version of the CAMRA Good Beer Guide is now available for Android phones on the Android Market. Using the Market application on your phone search for ‘CAMRA’ and you should find it, or visit on your phone.
It costs £4.99 (£4.25 + VAT). The Android store lets you try it out for 24 hours with a full refund if you choose not to keep it.
From 16th September 2010 it will include all the pubs and breweries from the Good Beer Guide 2011 edition to coincide with the publication of the CAMRA book. Until then it uses the Good Beer Guide 2010, but will automatically update on 16th.

Version 1.0.3 of the iPhone CAMRA Good Beer Guide app was approved by Apple yesterday.
This is mainly a bug fix version, but also adds some small features:
- Favourite pubs can be reordered.
- About screen links to information about CAMRA and how to join CAMRA.
- Emails to support automatically include information to identify your account enabling us to deal with any problems more efficiently.
- Added Setting to disable autolock.
- Bug fix to prevent subscription purchases being made without our server being notified
- Bug fix which prevented some users connecting to the server
We are planning another update at the start of April which will add new features based on customer feedback and suggestions.
For more information take a look at or CAMRA web site.

The mobile nearme service that Greenius has developed for Oxford Softworks has been awarded 2nd runner up in the prestigious 2008 Navteq Global LBS Challenge. The challenge was judged during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona with an award ceremony on February 12th. Judges in the Navteq Challenge are some of the highest-ranking executives from within the mobile industry.
The nearme service that Greenius is developing with Oxford Softworks is a semifinalist in the 2008 Navteq Global LBS Challenge for EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). The final round will take place during 3GSM in Barcelona between February 10th and 12th.
nearme provides a user with detailed information about points of interest near to their current location. The information includes reviews, ratings, contact information and maps. As well as your current location you can also search based on a town, postcode or tube station (in London). The first application of nearme is the Good Pub Guide mobile service. The version entered into the Navteq competition uses data from Fodor’s Barcelona city guide.
The official list of semi finalists is at Navteq Global LBS Challenge. For more information about nearme, see Oxford Softworks website or
Greenius has developed technology for mobile phone networked java applications. The first application of this technology is the Good Pub Guide for Oxford Softworks.
The Good Pub Guide is a Java application that runs on your mobile phone. Using LBS technology it locates where you are based on which mobile phone mast your phone is connected to. It then returns a list of nearby pubs from the Good Pub Guide together with a map showing your approximate location and that of the pubs found. Selecting a pub from the list displays more detailed information including ratings, reviews, phone numbers and more detailed maps.
The application connects to our server which performs location based searching, map generation and holds the databases of locations. The server is designed so it can be used for other types of application including games and other information based services.
Our mobile client development system now supports around 850 Java handsets. We build all the versions from a common source code base, automatically generating the different builds required to handle handset differences such as screen sizes, keyboard scan codes and known handset bugs. This avoids having to explicitly port the code to different handsets, so any enhancements and new features automatically get included in all versions. The supported handsets currently include most phones supporting MIDP2. Support for other handsets and PDAs will be coming soon including Blackberry.
To obtain the Good Pub Guide application, you can text GOODPUB to 87080 (SMS will cost 50p). For more information see or from a mobile phone browser.